ZIP is an interactive self-ligating bracket with a Nickel Titanium clip, whose elasticity is able to release a constant and homogeneous force to ensure better control of the movement of teeth. ZIP has a passive type of operation to improve the sliding mechanics during the initial stages of leveling and alignment. ZIP has an active type operation in the subsequent phases of the treatment thus allowing a more accurate control of the torque and rotations. ZIP works in the passive phase up to archwires of thickness 0.020 “x 0.020” (0.018 “x0.018” for 0.018 “slot ). ZIP works in the active phase starting from thicknesses 0.016” x0.022 “. Complete coverage of the slot. Easy opening and closing: open with a normal explorer and close with a light pressure of the finger.
Cod. 402-124Pack of 2 pcs
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